
Wenling Dongyu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Wenling, Zhejiang. This area belongs to the southeast coast of Zhejiang and the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta. It faces the sea on three sides, borders the East China Sea to the east, connects Yuhuan to the south, neighbors Yueqing and Yueqing Bay to the west, and Taizhou City to the north. It is a coastal city. The transportation is convenient. Taizhou Airport, Wenling High-speed Railway Station, and high-speed exit are 20 minutes away from the factory. The marine fishery culture, marine food culture and marine fishermen's customs and culture around the company have a deep accumulation.

Our company's production environment and office environment are good. It is a school-enterprise research and development demonstration unit integrating R&D, production, construction, sales and service, with strong technical research and development capabilities.

Among them, the "three-axis mixing pile foundation" and "full hydraulic large-diameter gas reverse circulation pile driver" developed by our company are favored by many customers such as China Railway Group, China Communications Group, road and bridge companies, and construction companies.

The company is willing to face the problems in construction with the engineering design unit, the general contractor of the project, the construction enterprise, the equipment manufacturing industry and other distinguished friends, discuss the practice together, and continue to provide scientific and economic system solutions. Welcome to Wenling to visit and inspect the East China Sea marine culture, taste modern marine food, and explore ancient cultural wisdom. Welcome to Dongyu to inspect and guide, give pointers on classic corporate management, talk about "better equipment artifacts", and comment on the pros and cons of the industry. Dongyu Heavy Industry is an open platform. I believe that your favor will inevitably promote the new rise of Chinese equipment. Looking forward to your visit !

Company Culture —— Take responsibility, be creative, respect the rules, and achieve self-achievement.


Uphold the craftsman spirit
of excellence in products

Office environment

Certificateof honor
